6 Unique gifts you can't wrap in a box
6 Unique gifts you can't wrap in a box
For the person whose dog has their own Instagram handle
Everyone has that friend whose unbridalled adoration for their puppy fills your social feed morning and night with images of Fido tangled in blankets or looking guilty for eating a shoe. Sign your friend up for a volunteer day at a local animal shelter where she can almost get her fill of love and cuteness while doing something she loves: cuddling furballs.
For the friend who spent their first bonus on a painting
A true art lover can view the same painting or photograph over and over again and always feel something new. Giving your friend a museum membership will guarantee him constant access to a world of beauty and inspiration.
For the friend who always picks up the bill
Some people are innately generous — they don’t need to read reasons why it’s important to give to others; they simply do. A friend whose DNA compels her to pick up the bill or buy you something simply because she thought you’d love it will truly appreciate your making a donation to a local charity in their name.
For the friend who’s broke
We’re more open than ever about our finances and the strongest friendships ride the highs and lows without missing a step. If a friend is pursuing their dream of writing fiction in lieu of a paycheck, sign them up for streaming services that will give them a break when they get a serious case of writer’s block.
For the friend who binge watches Orson Welles
If you’ve ever talked to a cinefile, you’ll quickly learn there’s no better way to watch a film than on a big screen in the theater. They’ll also admit that getting friends to leave the coziness of their couches for a night out at the movies pretty much doesn’t happen. Tickets to a classic movie at a theater that serves dinner is the best way to show you appreciate your friend’s passion and value their standards.
For the friend who makes their own recipe videos
The pressure to be inventive in the kitchen is greater than ever before. For the friend who likes a new challenge, give a cake decorating class or pasta making course. Besides the gratitude, you might even get lucky and get to taste the leftovers.
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